
During the turbulent times of the Civil Rights Movement, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated was founded September 19, 1963, at Morgan State College, now known as Morgan State University, in Baltimore, Maryland. Our 12 founders are Albert Hicks, Lonnie Spruill Jr., Charles Briscoe, Frank Coakley, John Slade, Barron Willis, Webster Lewis, Charles Brown, Louis Hudnell, Charles Gregory, Elias Dorsey Jr., and Michael Williams. We live by our motto, "Building A Tradition, Not Resting Upon One." With over 30,000 members, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated has active chapters in over 250 schools. Joining the National Pan-Hellenic Council in November 12, 1996, Centaurs have continuously brought innovative ideas to the community.

Gamma Mu History
The Gamma Mu Chapter started in the 1997-1998 school year with two lines, I.S. B.A.G.I.T.U.P. and I.S. 4.T.U.N.A.T.E. Those two lines introduced Michigan State University to Iota Phi Theta. After those two lines there was not another line in Gamma Mu until Summer 2007 when a young man named William E. Massey came out as a solo. He got introduced to Iota Phi Theta with a lot of assistance from the Gamma Rho Chapter at Eastern Michigan University. Bobby Ficklin, a graduate of the Delta Phi Chapter and a law school student at Michigan State University, was Massey's Dean and installed the fraternity's legacy within Massey.

That upcoming school year in Fall 2007 and Spring 2008, Massey introduced to the campus as their Dean and Polaris, I.S. T.A.K.E.O.V.E.R. and I.S. A.F.T.E.R.M.A.T.H. It was the first time in many years a Black Greek lettered organization had released membership twice to the campus in the same school year. The following school year Gregory Butts of I.S. T.A.K.E.O.V.E.R. was the Dean of the talented line, I.S. E.N.C.O.R.E., in 2009. Iota Phi Theta was really making a presence on the campus in many ways. Massey even served as the Internal Vice President of Michigan State's NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council). With Massey graduating and three lines on the yard, Gamma Mu under the leadership of Detwan Chapman as Polaris and Calvin Fant as Vice Polaris kept the chapter's presence strong. Brother Calvin Fant also served as Dean of the line I.S. O.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. I. in Spring 2010. With this neophyte line at the time helping build the chapter's tradition, they struck the interests of the Spring 2011 line, I.S. R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D.

With Brent Mitchell from I.S. E.N.C.O.R.E. as Vice Polaris and Gregory Butts as the Polaris of the chapter that year, younger sibling Devin Butts from I.S. A.F.T.E.R.M.A.T.H. was the Dean while Lionel Alexander III from I.S. E.N.C.O.R.E. the next year's Polaris and Step Master, became Assistant Dean of I.S. R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D which took campus by storm. The summer going into the 2011-2012 school year the chapter along with the Eta Eta Chapter at Wayne State won the Motorcity Step Show and the winnings continued into the school year. During the 2011-2012 school year the chapter won the stroll off, Iota Phi Theta's Regional Chapter of the Year, Black Student Alliance's Greek organization of the year, and came second in the Michigan State Step Show. The chapter even launched the school's first march on campus against racism in over 20 years.

With all the campus accomplishments, in Spring 2012 Stephen Vines-Harvin from I.S. E.N.C.O.R.E. introduced the campus to the young and bright line of I.S. H.A.R.D.K.N.O.C.K.S. With their two Assistant Deans Eric Stewart of I.S. O.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. I and Tyrell Slappey from I.S. T.A.K.E.O.V.E.R., the line was Gamma Mu's next group of leaders. The following school year, 2012-2013, with DaRon Greason from I.S. R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D as Polaris and Myles Caffee, also from the line, as Step Master helped rebuild the chapter and gave campus new meaning to what it means to be an Iota.
Resheid Jackson Jr. of I.S. H.A.R.D.K.N.O.C.K.S stepped up to the position as President of the NPHC and became the first neophyte to ever be President over the council. With DaRon Greason also at Internal Vice President and Arthur Burse as Secretary, their leadership helped guide the council of the Divine Nine Greeks at Michigan State through many trials and tribulations.
During the summer of 2013, Kyle Barden of I.S. R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D. with the assistance of Deandre Dawson of I.S. O.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. I. brought through a line of three; I.S. R.E.C.O.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N. This was a new and unique look to Gamma Mu with each of the individuals being totally unique in experience and varied amount of time on campus. This proved to be a good start for the school year. The 2013-2014 school year was a year of adjustment and change within the fraternity. The chapter continued to progress with a chapter full of brothers all in their junior and senior year. This of course was a challenge due to the need to focus more on classes and Scholarship. Kinnard Clay of I.S.R.E.L.O.A.D.E.D. stepped in as Polaris and implemented a great work ethic that helped every brother maintain focus on their major while still making the organization progress. The chapter began to hone our great ideas and connect them with a more professional approach. True, many people have become fond of us for our raw approach to some things but in order to reflect 50 years of greatness we continued to be innovative. The mixture of both the rawness and the professionalism has shown to build our brand even further.
The summer of 2014 also proved to be another productive term for the brothers of the Gamma Mu chapter. Resheid Jackson with the assistance of Deandre Dawson brought in a line of five golden brothers; I.S. G.O.L.D.M.I.N.E. This line brought a lot of revitilization to the chapter. With Arthur Burse of I.S.H.A.R.D.K.N.O.C.K.S. stepping in as Polaris, Clarence Jilek of I.S.R.E.C.O.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N. as Vice Polaris, and a chapter filled with young, enthusiastic, and talented brothers, the 2014-2015 school year turned out to be a productive one.
With everything looking bright, the chapter brought in another ground-breaking line; I.S.G.R.I.D.L.O.C.K., during the summer of 2015 with Bobby Ficklin as the Dean, Devyn Salmon of I.S.G.O.L.D.M.I.N.E. and Resheid Jackson as the Assistant Dean. This line was special because all four brothers were apart of the Michigan State University football team. This lit a fire under the chapter that continues to shine bright throughout the school year. With an outstanding fall semester week, numerous hours of community service and a 2015 stroll off victory our chapter looks to continue uplifting the community through the development and perpetuation of Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Fidelity, and Brotherhood.
Our chapter history is young but highly decorated with accolades and accomplishments, however, we will continue to dig for gold and not rest. From the brothers who have already graduated, to the brothers who are currently on the yard, we will continue to work and strengthen our brotherhood. As you see our history is still being written today. We are building our traditions while not resting upon any because complacency is not what our organization, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. was founded from.